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안드로이드 디자인 가이드 사이즈 (펌)

by choizun_ 2018. 5. 31.

개발할때 필요한 디자인 사이즈  잘 정리된 사이트가 있어서

퍼왔어요 하단에 링크 걸어놨으니 본문으로 보셔도 좋습니다.

요건 제가 필요해서 복사해서 포스팅 해뒀습니다.

General Guidelines

Google Material Design Icon Guidelines

Pixel Densities

Android icons require five separate sizes for different screen pixel densities. Icons for lower resolution are created automatically from the baseline.

mdpi (Baseline):160 dpi
hdpi:240 dpi1.5×
xhdpi:320 dpi
xxhdpi:480 dpi
xxxhdpi:640 dpi

Sizes (px)Format and namingNotes

Launcher icons

48 × 48 (mdpi)
72 × 72 (hdpi)
96 × 96 (xhdpi)
144 × 144 (xxhdpi)
192 × 192 (xxxhdpi)
512 × 512 (Google Play store)
.pngThree-dimensional, front view, with a slight perspective as if viewed from above, so that users perceive some depth.

Action bar, Dialog & Tab icons

24 × 24 area in 32 × 32 (mdpi)
36 × 36 area in 48 × 48 (hdpi)
48 × 48 area in 64 × 64 (xhdpi)
72 × 72 area in 96 × 96 (xxhdpi)
96 × 96 area in 128 × 128 (xxxhdpi)
.pngThese icons are used in the action bar menu. The first number is the size of the icon area, and the second is file size.

Small Contextual Icons

16 × 16 (mdpi)
24 × 24 (hdpi)
32 × 32 (xhdpi)
48 × 48 (xxhdpi)
64 × 64 (xxxhdpi)

Small icons are used to surface actions and/or provide status for specific items. For example, in the Gmail app, each message has a star icon that marks the message as important.

Notification icons

22 × 22 area in 24 × 24 (mdpi)
33 × 33 area in 36 × 36 (hdpi)
44 × 44 area in 48 × 48 (xhdpi)
66 × 66 area in 72 × 72 (xxhdpi)
88 × 88 area in 96 × 96 (xxxhdpi)
.pngThese are used to represent application notifications in the status bar. They should be flat (no gradients), white and face-on perspective

본문 http://iconhandbook.co.uk/reference/chart/android/

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[안드로이드] Intent 활용 예시 입니다  (0) 2016.01.05
